Unknown ($C006—C00D)

C006: 86 01        LDA #$01
C008: B7 26 FF     STA $26FF   Store 1 in 0x26FF (9983)
C00B: B7 26 FE     STA $26FE   Store 1 in 0x26FE (9982)

We don't know what these values will be used for yet, but the two memory locations $26FE and $26FF are likely to be 1-byte global variables. We can guess this based on two things:

  1. The CoCo memory map tells us that the memory locations don't have any significance for the CoCo; this is part of a block of free memory available to the game.
  2. By searching the program code ahead, we see that these memory locations are referenced frequently from many different code locations.
Written on January 22, 2015